La música rock es básicamente Gospel y Rhythm & Blues, ¡surgió de eso!"
Rock Music is basically Gospel and Rhythm & Blues, it sprang from that!
Rockmusik ist im Grunde genommen Gospel und Rhythm & Blues, daraus ist sie entstanden!
(Elvis Presley, 1968)
Por eso Legends VIP quiere llevarte de vuelta a las raíces y traerte lo mejor y más emocionante que el mundo del Blues puede ofrecer! ¡Explora con nosotros los inicios de la música moderna y celebra la vasta historia del Blues, en un relajado entorno de picnic, bajo la puesta de sol mallorquina!
This is why Legends VIP wants to take you back to the roots and bring you the best and most exciting what the world of Blues has to offer! Explore with us the beginnings of modern music and celebrate the vast history of the Blues, in a relaxed picnic setting, under the Majorcan sunset!
Aus diesem Grund möchte Legends VIP Sie zurück zu den Wurzeln führen und Ihnen das Beste und Aufregendste bringen, was die Welt des Blues zu bieten hat! Erkunden Sie mit uns die Anfänge der modernen Musik und feiern Sie die große Geschichte des Blues, in einer entspannten Picknick-Umgebung, unter dem mallorquinischen Sonnenuntergang!
Los primeros nombres en ser revelados son Tito Jackson, de los legendarios Jacksons 5, las leyendas del blues Hans Theessink y Big Daddy Wilson, así como nada menos que Chris Jagger, hermano del fanático del blues, Mick Jagger de "The Rolling Stones".
Se anunciarán más artistas a medida que se acerque la 1ª Legends VIP Garden Summer Blues Night!
The first names to be revealed are Tito Jackson, of the legendary Jacksons 5, the Blues Legends Hans Theessink & Big Daddy Wilson, as well as none other than Chris Jagger, brother of Blues fanatic, Mick Jagger of "The Rolling Stones“.
More artists will be announced as we get closer to the 1st Legends VIP Garden Summer Blues Night!
Die ersten Namen, die enthüllt werden, sind Tito Jackson, von den legendären Jacksons 5, die Blues-Legenden Hans Theessink & Big Daddy Wilson, sowie kein Geringerer als Chris Jagger, Bruder des Blues-Fanatikers Mick Jagger von den "The Rolling Stones". Weitere Künstler werden bekannt gegeben, je näher wir der 1. Legends VIP Garden Summer Blues Night kommen!
20:15 - 21:00 Koko Jean & The Tonics
21:15 - 22:00 Hans Theessink & Big Daddy Wilson
22:15 - 23:00 Chris Jagger
After more than 8000 concerts and 50 years "on the road", Hans Theessink is an institution in blues and roots music. With his sonorous voice and unmistakable guitar style, Hans Theessink is in demand worldwide and always a guarantor for high-quality blues and roots music. The US blues press called him "An international blues treasure" and the legendary Bo Diddley said Hans was "A hell of a guitarist". He has released over 30 albums, a songbook, an instructional video and a DVD.
Chris’ musical talent knows no bounds, and his various offering of sounds have graced the stage for a host of audiences. Jagger’s un-caged talent encompasses diverse taste such as Bo Diddley, Johnny Cash, Chuck Berry or Hank Williams. If you’re luck, you may also lay witness to a Stones classic… he is, after all, Mick Jagger’s brother!
The singer songwriter from Edenton, North Carolina, USA, has been travelling the world for 25 years, sharing his love of the blues with people all over the world. In 2018, he went on an anniversary tour and impressed fans all over Europe with an energetic stage show. Wilson has now released 12 albums. Last year, his album "Neckbone Stew" was awarded the German Record Critics' Prize.